
Monday, December 21, 2009

Copenhagen, Climate Change, China, and Ogaden

unrepresentative tyrants of Africa who attended the Copenhagen summit must have been an excellent token at the hands of the colonial powers, England and France, that control the US establishment and utilize it in a way to perpetuate their grip on the world´s nations, oppressed peoples, and natural resources.

Although initially siding with China, Brazil and South Africa, the diplomats of many African countries that are mere colonial fabrications became at the end the puppets of Africa´s worst enemies.
An example is offered here:

"After overcoming the African objections in Copenhagen, negotiators on Monday appointed pairs of ministers from poor and rich nations to seek solutions to the most contentious issues ahead of the summit.

Ghana and Britain would examine ways to raise billions of dollars in new funds to help the poor, Grenada and Spain would look at disputes about sharing out the burden of emissions cuts by 2020. Singapore and Norway would look at a possible levy on bunker fuels to help raise funds".


In fact, China failed to offer the African peoples a comprehensive interpretation of the climate change and the Chinese stance to environmental matters. Then, the African diplomats turned to their opium, the colonial capitals and diplomats. The reason is simple; China has penetrated the African continent economically but this has little impact on the African policy making because the latter hinges mostly on the complex educational, cultural and political developments that took place in the Black Continent when China was absent.

The African tyrants share the same fate with the African peoples whom they mostly oppress, tyrannize and endanger through a perplex system that China has not even studied. However, the African elites, formed in their outright majority at the colonial capitals, cannot dissociate their interests and their fates from those of their masters who through interference and involvement ensured their socioeconomic and political rise back home. By so doing, the African elites, ignorant of the colonial strategy with respect to Africa (which happens to be most detrimental to all the African nations), actively dissociate themselves from the destiny of the populations they rule, control and oppress.

China´s relationship with the West has been most troublesome as well, for at least the past 170 years, ever since the Opium Wars started. The present leadership of China is aware of the plans of the Western leaderships against Beijing, Moscow, and the rise of an Asiatic landmass alliance; Beijing has also correctly assessed the importance of Africa for the colonial powers.

More recently and more importantly, China actively opposed in Copenhagen the CO2 fallacy that has become the focus of the evil diplomacies of England, France and America. This is greatly significant for the African peoples who have not been taken into account by the schemers who are hidden behind the CO2 fallacy.

Certainly, Africa is the continent par excellence where the climate change can be more evidently attested. But there is no scholarly proof that the CO2 emissions are the principal reason for the devastating environmental collapse. In this regard, recent studies and reports made it clear that the reasons for which the colonial diplomacies support this fallacy are all due to new plans for another bubble in the world´s stock exchanges.

There is no doubt that the Western economies are at the brink of total disintegration and collapse. This is inevitable because of the paranoia that pushed the West´s economic elites to the formation a fake economic circle, namely the derivatives that have been launched in the 80s. For several centuries of capitalist economy, the stock exchanges used to reflect the real economy which evolved around production. The financial products launched in the 80s produced a bubble that exists antagonistically with the real economy, driving it to total dismantlement.

Following the economic contraction, the world´s economic elites put all their hopes for a new lucrative (for them) bubble on a trillion dollar carbon trading system that will use the ecological concerns and the misguided efforts for supposed environmental improvement in order to draw investors to carbon-related derivatives.

One can guess the disappointment of the world´s evil financial elites through many recent publications in the global mass media:

C a r b o n – r e l a t e d d e r i v a t i v e s: O m i n o u s f o r a l l A f r i c a n s

As a matter of fact, carbon-related derivatives is the main enemy of all the African nations. The fake financial products will be traded in Derivatives Exchanges allover the world to empower the world´s financers to further persecute the oppressed peoples allover the world and to effectively strengthen local dictators in Africa, Asia and Latin America. It will be the fresh cash that the gangsters of England, France and the pro-colonial, Freemasonic establishment of America simply do not have now!

The Copenhagen-related disappointment of the Canadian media is in this regard great: This constitutes a mere example. In fact, the need of the world´s financial elite for fresh cash (in trillions of fake money) is dramatic.

 few days ago, Prof. Michel Chossudovsky underscored the dangers ensuing from the institutionalization of such a trading system that will make the world´s poor poorer and the world´s rich richer. In his ´Climate Change: What is the Hidden Agenda?´ (, December 12, 2009), he wrote:

"We bring to the attention of our readers, an archive of opinion, news, and analysis on the issue of Global Warming, which is currently being debated in Copenhagen under the auspices of the UN Framework Agreement on Climate Change.

The corporate media, in chorus, is calling upon public opinion to endorse the Global Warming consensus, which supports a multibillion dollar carbon trading system.

CO2 emissions are heralded in the editorial as the single and most important threat to the future of humanity.

The evidence that CO2 is the sole cause of Global Warming is questionable, as revealed by numerous scientific studies.

This archive on Climate Change published by Global Research brings together a vast body of critique, analysis and opinion regarding the Climate Change.

What is the hidden agenda behind the Copenhagen CO15 Summit?

The governments of NATO countries act on behalf of the interests of the financial establishment, the oil companies and the defense contractors. The Global Warming consensus is being used to justify a lucrative multibillion carbon trading scheme which seeks to enrich corporations and financial institutions to the detriment of the developing countries.

This carbon trading scheme does not serve the interests of social justice. Quite the opposite.

While we share the concerns of the environmentalists, there is no reason to uphold something which is untrue or questionable to reach stated environmental goals.

Reducing toxic manmade emissions, preserving biodiversity, protecting wildlife and preventing deforestation are objectives in their own right. The implementation of an environmental program geared explicitly towards reducing environmental contamination and pollution at the national and international levels requires neither the Global Warming Consensus, nor a profit driven carbon trading system".

C h i n a
For China it is vital to put as many obstacles as possible to the new financial scheme. Carbon related derivatives will lead to a new wave of American consumerism, which will burden China with an even greater surplus in foreign currency. This does not necessarily mean that China will have the upper hand; on the contrary, the development would make China more dependent on the US. Full dependence of China on America is the Wall Street elite foremost dream.

Averting the trillion dollar carbon scheme is certainly not enough for China! Particularly in view of the ongoing travel of the U.S. Special Envoy to Sudan Scott Gration ( to Khartoum and Juba, the increasing US interest in the Horn of Africa, and the anticipated US – EU use of the political trickery "Islamic Extremism" in the years ahead, China should greatly reassess and adequately readjust its approach to Africa before Beijing finds itself confronted with the US tactics of faits accomplis.

Beijing must come to terms with the African realities and with the fact that never Chinese influence and penetration will be permanent in a country that has been a colonial fabrication. Meles Zenawi´s willingness to offer his capital city as the location of the AFRICOM headquarters is in this case indicative; for a moment he flirted with China, but then the racist Amhara – Tigray establishment of Abyssinia (fallaciously re-baptized ´Ethiopia´) turned to Washington again.

It is urgent therefore for China to turn to the real forces of Africa, the tyrannized African nations who struggle for national independence, political freedom and cultural integrity, and not Africa´s colonially enslaved elites. Supporting liberation fronts and helping various African peoples shape independent countries is the only way for Beijing to outmaneuver the catastrophic work carried out by the colonial powers on African soil.

O g a d e n
Ogaden is a first example. A sizeable territory (280000 km2) where 6 millions of Somalis have been engulfed, imprisoned and persecuted in all possible manners because of the ominous English colonialism that ended up in ulcerous anti-Somali racism and vicious political practices. In fact, the entire territory of Ogaden became a gift offered to the bloodthirsty and barbaric Amhara Abyssinian despot, Haile Selassie, because of his siding with England in the East Africa colonial game.

With rich soil, great natural resources, and a well educated Ogadeni Diaspora, an independent Ogaden Republic will be China´s key economic and political partner, and more importantly, it will be a partner deprived of tergiversations and hesitations. The brave people of Ogaden, the active Ogadeni Diaspora, and the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) are the key for China´s need for peace and national unity in Somalia.

China´s accurate understanding of the Asiatic landmass geopolitical games of England and America must help in shaping China´s new African policy. Afghanistan is a matter of concern for China´s national security. The US-led foreign armies in Afghanistan created a havoc after eight (8) years of inexplicably unending and truly speaking fake war against phantasms of extremism. What brought these armies there? This is known: September 11th. An event that more and more people allover the world refuse to take at face value and consider merely as a scheme of the US militaristic establishment.

Another September 11th may happen at any time. Those who expect it grow more numerous day by day. It can be possibly attributed to the Shabaab of Somalia who control the southern parts of Somalia, having got great help in terms of logistics from the US and their puppet, the tyrannical Kikuyu regime of Nairobi.

Another September 11th would be an excellent pretext for the US forces to occupy on permanent basis part of the geo-strategically very important territory of Somalia. Such a development would not only herald the beginning of the end of China´s penetration in Africa. It would also herald doubts about the possibility of China to effectively defend its national territory from nuclear attacks.

I will expand on this subject in several forthcoming articles but here I merely add two reports on recent demonstrations organized by the Ogadeni Diaspora in Copenhagen.

Members of the Danish Ogaden Community Demonstrate Outside the UN Climate Change Conference

Copenhagen, Denmark – December 17. Protestors from Denmark's Ogaden Community demonstrate outside the UN climate change conference on December 17, 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The group were demonstrating against Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi participating in the COP15 United Nations Climate Change Conference, claiming that he has one of the worst environmental records in the history of Ethiopia and that he has no respect for fundamental human rights.

Members of the European Ogaden Community Demonstrate Against Meles Zenawi

Dozens of Ogaden and Oromo communities in Europe demonstrated outside the UN climate change conference on December 17-18, 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The group were demonstrating against Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi participating in the COP15 United Nations Climate Change Conference. Meles Zenawi is one of the worst environmental records in the history of Ethiopia and that he has no respect for fundamental human rights.

Waving the Ogaden National flag, the protestors chanted Meles belongs at the Hague for trial at the International Criminal Court (ICC) instead of being honored as a spokesman for all African nations at the global conference this week. Members of the Ogaden community accused Meles Zenawi of committing genocide in the Ogaden.

Many African countries seek financial compensation for the continent in order to combat climate change. Recently, some African groups opposed a deal between Meles and European leaders.

The Ogaden people are fighting for self-determination. Extra-judicial killings, rape, disappearances, destruction of livelihood and the displacement of thousands of Ogaden people are the daily norm in Ogaden.

There is constant fighting between Ethiopian troops and ONLF forces in the Ogaden region. Human rights organizations accuse the Ethiopian soldiers of violating the human rights by harassing the people in the Ogaden region.

Note 1

Picture: Demonstrations of the Ogaden Diaspora
Note 2
An audiovisual version of this article can be found here: Print Email

Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

Orientalist, Historian, Political Scientist, Dr. Megalommatis, 53, is the author of 12 books, dozens of scholarly articles, hundreds of encyclopedia entries, and thousands of articles. He speaks, reads and writes more than 15, modern and ancient, languages. He refuted Greek nationalism, supported Martin Bernal´s Black Athena, and rejected the Greco-Romano-centric version of History. He pleaded for the European History by J. B. Duroselle, and defended the rights of the Turkish, Pomak, Macedonian, Vlachian, Arvanitic, Latin Catholic, and Jewish minorities of Greece.

Born Christian Orthodox, he adhered to Islam when 36, devoted to ideas of Muhyieldin Ibn al Arabi. Greek citizen of Turkish origin, Prof. Megalommatis studied and/or worked in Turkey, Greece, France, England, Belgium, Germany, Syria, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Egypt and Russia, and carried out research trips throughout the Middle East, Northeastern Africa and Central Asia. His career extended from Research & Education, Journalism, Publications, Photography, and Translation to Website Development, Human Rights Advocacy, Marketing, Sales & Brokerage. He traveled in more than 80 countries in 5 continents.

He defends the Human and Civil Rights of Yazidis, Aramaeans, Turkmen, Oromos, Ogadenis, Sidamas, Berbers, Afars, Anuak, Furis (Darfur), Bejas, Balochs, Tibetans, and their Right to National Independence, demands international recognition for Kosovo, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and Transnistria, calls for National Unity in Somalia, and denounces Islamic Terrorism.

Freedom and National Independence for Catalonia, Scotland, Corsica, Euskadi (Bask Land), and (illegally French) Polynesia!
Break Down the Persian Tyranny of the Ayatullahs of Iran!

Reviewed by

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