
About us

Ogaden Diasporas who believe in peace, democracy, justice, and freedom. To achieve our objectives, the Ogaden Forum will closely work and establish a strong network with the Somali Ogaden communities in the Diaspora to bring about strong political system to raise our right Freedom to Ogaden .

 Ogaden region, being as a part of collonial region in Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, is located in the eastern part of the country. It lies between 3 and 15 degrees north latitude; and 41 and 48 degrees east longitude. With a total area of around 350,000 Km2 (about 30% of the Ethiopia), it is bordered by Oromia Regional State in the West and Southwest, Afar National Regional State in the Northeast. Internationally it is bordered with Kenya in the South, Somalia in the East, and Djibouti in the north. Ogaden Regional state is divided into nine administrative zones including Jijiga, Shinile, Fik, Dhagahbur, Korrahe, Warder, Goday, Afder and Liban. The nine zones are further divided into 52 districts Weather is hot most of the year. Temperature ranges between 18 and 40 degrees Centigrade. Annual rainfall is also between 300 and 880 mm.