
Tuesday, November 03, 2009


Piracy off the Somali coast has been Created and organized the state of puntland ,it is a threat to international shipping since the beginning of the Somali puntland state in the early 1998s. But the international community still couldn’t understand the state of puntland is the founder of piracy.
Many international organizations, including the International Maritime Organization and the World Food Programme, have expressed concern over the rise in acts of piracy. Piracy has contributed to an increase in shipping costs and impeded the delivery of food aid shipments. Ninety percent of the World Food Programmer’s shipments arrive by sea, and ships have required a military escort. According to the Kenyan foreign minister, Somali pirates have received over US$150 million during the 12 months prior to November 2008

Clashes have been reported between Somalia's Islamist fighters (who are opposed to the Transitional Federal Government) and the pirates. In August 2008, Combined Task Force 150, a multinational coalition task force, took on the role of fighting Somali piracy by establishing a Maritime Security Patrol Area (MSPA) within the Gulf of Aden. The increasing threat posed by piracy also caused significant concerns in India since most of its shipping trade routes pass through the Gulf of Aden. The Indian Navy responded to these concerns by deploying a warship in the region on October 23, 2008. In September 2008, Russia announced that it too will soon join international efforts to combat piracy.

On October 6, 2008, the United Nations Security Council adopted resolution 1838 calling on nations with vessels in the area to apply military force to repress the acts of piracy. At the 101st council of the International Maritime Organization, India called for a United Nations peacekeeping force under unified command to tackle piracy off Somalia. (There has been a general and complete arms embargo against Somalia since 1992.)

In November 2008, Puntland pirates began hijacking ships well outside the Gulf of Aden, perhaps targeting ships headed for the port of Mombasa, Kenya.[13] The frequency and sophistication of the attacks also increased around this time, as did the size of vessels being targeted. Large cargo ships, oil and chemical tankers on international voyages became the new targets of choice for the Somali hijackers. This is in stark contrast to the pirate attacks which were once frequent in the Straits of Malacca, another strategically important waterway for international trade, which were according to maritime security expert Catherine Zara Raymond, generally directed against “smaller , more vulnerable vessels carrying trade across the Straits or employed in the coastal trade on either side of the Straits.”

There are discussions under way to begin an aggressive covert operation against the pirates. The Central Intelligence Agency has been publicly warning of this potential threat for months. In a Harpers Magazine article, a CIA official stated, "We need to deal with this problem from the beach side, in concert with the ocean side, but we don't have an embassy in Somalia and limited, ineffective intelligence operations. We need to work in Somalia and in Lebanon, where a lot of the ransom money has changed hands. But our operations in Lebanon are a joke, and we have no presence at all in Somalia.

After the Abdullahi yussuf ex-president of Somali puntland state Mr. Adde Musa and Abdirahman Faroole discovered that piracy was an easier way to make money Due to the clan-based State of Somali Puntland , the lack of a central government, and the country's strategic location at the Horn of Africa, conditions were ripe for the growth of piracy in the early 1998s.

Precise data on the current economic situation in Somalia is scarce but with an estimated per capita GDP of $600 per year, it remains one of the world's poorest countries. Millions of Somalis depend on food aid and in 2009, according to the World Bank, as much as 73% of the population lived on a daily income below $2. These factors and the lucrative success of many hijacking operations have drawn a number of young men toward gangs of pirates, whose wealth and strength often make them part of the local social and economic elite. Abdi Farah Juha who lives in Garoowe (100 miles from the sea) told the BBC, "They have money; they have power and they are getting stronger by the day. They wed the most beautiful girls; they are building big houses; they have new cars; new guns."

Piracy in somalia is the New Ministry of Puntland State they were some former fishermen, who argue that they will earn good share form the puntland state for hijacking foreign ships passing Somali waters. After seeing the profitability of piracy, since ransoms are usually paid, puntland began to facilitate pirate activities, splitting the profits with the pirates. In most of the hijackings, the bandits have not harmed their prisoners. The attackers generally treat their hostages well in anticipation of a big payday to the point of hiring caterers on the shores of Somalia to cook spaghetti, grilled fish and roasted meat that will appeal to a Western palate. They also keep a steady supply of cigarettes and drinks from their shops on shore in the Piracy Ministry of puntland state (PMPS)

The Transitional Federal Government has made some efforts to combat piracy, occasionally allowing foreign naval vessels into Somali territorial waters. However, more often than not, foreign naval vessels chasing pirates were forced to break off when the pirates entered Somali territorial waters. The government of Puntland has made less progress in combating piracy, evident in recent interventions, because puntland depends upon piracy ministry and it is the best sources of economic development Abdirahman Farole Said “The air is our Good option we have to promote this ministry of air piracy if international community stop us our costal line piracy of fundraising ransoms”

We argue the international community to review the Somali piracy in fact From News sources the confidential ministers of puntland state told that Mr. Abdirahman farole is the founder of Somali piracy in addition he said we are state of piracy , as a matter of fact .

International criminal court must act this real accusation!

Confidential News Source

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