
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Silent Cry: Discovering The Uncovered Tragedy

Monday 12 October 2009 OPS
                                                              African Rights Monitor
Press Release
Silent Cry: Discovering The Uncovered Tragedy
African Rights Monitor-ARM held a very successful special screening of the documentary Silent Cry on September 26, 2009 in Virginia. The film is based on the lives of families and their struggles in the Ogaden regions in Ethiopia.
Based in the heart of East Africa, the story was discovered after the students met a taxi driver in Nairobi, Kenya. He shared with them his personal tragedy about the displacement of his family. They then made a trip to IFO, northern Kenya which is the destination for the survivors of devastating circumstances. Nothing had prepared the team for what they were to come across: torture victim, poverty, neglect and extreme human suffering.
Abdi Shoukri who is the narrator for the documentary participated in the event and delivered the message the students learned from their journey. The human rights violations that are occurring in the Ogaden region that is forcing the innocent civilians to flee to the live in non-livable conditions that can be found in refugee camps was the message that Abdi wanted to emphasize. He asked to audience to stand up and give voice for the voiceless.
The film was preceded by presentations that showed what every human being has a right from every government in this world. Then the history and background on how the movie came about was presented to the audience. Then the star of the event, the documentary was shown and the audience was shocked and in disbelieve on how the innocent civilians were treated in their own home and the reason that made them flee to protect their families if they were not tortured, raped or killed. Many audience members pledged their support and that they will no longer stay silent on the conditions that are being forced on the innocent civilians. Young youth volunteers also read poetry to convey the loneliness the innocent children are facing, their mothers and fathers have been killed or jailed for no apparent reason by the Ethiopian soldiers. The evening was met with overwhelmingly positive feedback and certainly seemed to fulfill its aim of raising awareness of the plight of the Ogaden region’s people.
African Rights Monitor plans to raise awareness to the human right violations that the innocent civilians are facing in that region of the world and how their daily lives needs to be improved.

Huda Yusuf
Executive Director, African Rights Monitor-ARM
125 South Reynolds St. Apt J501
Alexandria, VA 22304
Ph: 617-756-8515

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