
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Rendition of Ogaden Civilians Continues Unabated

Reports reaching the Ogaden Online service desk confirm the recent rendition of yet an Ogaden civilian from the North Western Somali fiefdom that calls itself self-autonomous to the Woyane led regime in Addis Ababa.
The rendered civilian is a mother by the name of Bishaaro Wacdi. It is reported that Mrs. Bishaaro lived peacefully in Hargeisa for two years after she was released from a Woyane torture center in JigJiga on January 31st 2007.

Eyewitnesses and individuals who knew Mrs. Bishaaro confirm that she was first detained in Qabri Dahar in 2005. She was said to have been severely tortured in the year plus she spent in the Qabri Dahar torture center. Upon release from this detention center, Mrs. Bishaaro left Qabri Dahar and moved to Jig Jiga in early 2006.
Bisharo's both arms were broken by Ethiopian security Forces
In the early hours of October 20th, 2006, it is reported that Mrs. Bishaaro was taken from her home by Woyane Militias in JigJiga. It is said that after being tortured in a militia run torture center in the outskirts of the city, she was later brought to the main jail in JigJiga.

Individuals who were at the time present in the jail confirm that Mrs. Bishaaro was in terrible pain when brought back to the jail. She was reported to have been bleeding from the mouth and ears. She was reported to have had her two arms broken during the torture she was subjected to by the Woyane militias in Jig Jiga.

After a yearlong sojourn in this notorious prison in JigJiga, Mrs. Bishaaro was released without charge at the end of the year 2006. In an effort to escape the Woyane militias, Mrs. Bishaaro relocated to Hargeisa where she had relatives.

As is usual for the Woyane militias and their proxy militias in many parts of the Somali republic, they have tracked Mrs. Bishaaro in Hargeisa where she lived peacefully for two years. The local authorities in the North Western Somali fiefdom picked her up and rendered her to the Woyane militias in Addis Ababa.

Source Bye Ogadenonline

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