
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Things Anyone Can Do for Human Rights

This is a community portal Forum for Ogaden people with humanitarian interests, means for Things Anyone Can Do for Human Rights who is life the most precious good and are convinced that people's duty is to promote human welfare.
We strongly believe that Ogaden people can change our world by uniting themselves in various humanitarian topics. Together We  can plan lobbying, work out solutions, create public interest for their humanitarian issues and take other actions. We are sure to deliver a good tool for all of us. Take this opportunity and already join today for free. Humanitarian Guidlines;-
  •  Show Ogaden people the Human right . Talk about it. Ask who they want to show it to. Tell them about the Ogaden Human right . Give someone the booklet,
  • What Are Human Rights? Ask them to read it.
  • Teach Ogaden people about their 30 human rights as contained in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • Volunteer some time to support your local library, reading center or school newspaper and help bring greater knowledge to others.
  • Find and read a storybook about a humanitarian to a younger person. Talk about the human rights violation in the story and how it was solved.
  • Take care of your environment so that you and others can enjoy good health, and leisure time out of doors.
  • Give your help at a food bank or homeless shelter. You could, for instance, start a food drive for the needy at school or in your neighborhood.
  • Start a Youth for Human Rights Club to teach human rights to others and do human rights projects with friends.
  • If you see someone being teased about what he is saying, speak up in defense of his right to share his opinions.
  • When someone else has something you would like to use, ask if they are willing to share it, and offer them something that you are willing to share in return. If they do not want to share, respect their right to own and control their own things.
  • Create a drawing, skit, song, video, poem or essay, about one of the 30 human rights or the subject of human rights in general, and share it with others to illusatrate to oGaden people under  ethiopia Colony.
  • Speak up if someone says damaging things to make another person look bad. Ask him to communicate directly to the person involved, so that any misunderstandings, untruths or valid complaints can be remedied.
  • Know your rights by heart and don’t let anyone take them away. Tell others about their human rights
  • Talk about human rights with your friends. Show them some websites with information about human rights Voilation of ogaden people .
  • If you are old enough to vote, be sure to do so. Encourage others to vote and to take part in public affairs.
  • Write letters to the leaders of your city and country stating that you would like to see the Universal
  • Declaration of Human Rights go into full use. Ask what they intend to do to make this happen, and how you and your friends can help them(ogaden human rights)
  • Support human rights organizations or groups that work to safeguard one or more of the 30 human rights. due to save ogaden people under ethiopia Colony. 
Do as many of the above as you can and encourage your friends and family to do the same.

Edited by
Ogaden People Solidarity Forum (OPSF)

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