
Monday, October 19, 2009


Sunday, 18 October 2009 18:53

Ethiopia’s claim that it has captured four tonnes of Chemicals and 7000 rounds of ammunitions, after an ONLF commander had surrendered is an exercise in extreme chicanery by inventing tall stories intended to hide its war crimes in the Ogaden and confuse the international community. Just few months ago Ethiopia was claiming that it has defeated ONLF and that the Front was no longer a threat, and now suddenly it discovers this cache of armaments. Ethiopia constantly parades fictitious ONLF deserters in front of the cameras in order to get some semblance of credibility for it wishful claim of victory against ONLF.
The truth of the matter is that it is trying to divert attention from mounting loses it is encountering at the ONLF valiant warriors and the heinous crime its army is committing in the Ogaden against the civilian population. The latest such crime was Waraarka Garbodiimo village near Babile Town on 17 October 2009 where the army summarily executed 8 people and wounded many others who were attending a wedding ceremony.

What the propaganda Minister of Ethiopia, Bereket Simon, is not getting is that he is becoming a laughing stock day by day by repeating as mantra the preposterous claim that ONLF cooperates with Alshabab. Furthermore, the claim that Ogaden National Liberation Front and Oromo Liberation Front are jointly operating with AlShabab shows the level of desperation of Ethiopia in its fight with ONLF. The Meles regime is willing to stoop to cheap and shallow means, in order to try to tarnish ONLF’s stature. If Ethiopia thinks that the countries it is trying to get more aid from has no intelligence services that are capable of knowing who is with whom in the Horn of Africa, it is in for a mighty shock.

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